N-nitrosodibutylamine D9

Also known as: Amine, Nitroso Nitrosamine Impurities or nitrosamine impurities of Amine, Nitroso
Product Name N-nitrosodibutylamine D9
Alternate Names Amine, Nitroso Deuterated Reagents, Deuterated Reagents of Amine, Nitroso
CAT No. CS-O-38112
CAS No. Not Available
Category Deuterated Reagents
Stock IN-Stock
Mol. Wt. 167.30 g/mol
Mol. For. C₈H₉D₉N₂O
Hazardous This is a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
MSDS View Sample MSDS
Parent API Amine, Nitroso
Purity Not less than 95%
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of N-nitrosodibutylamine D9 ?

N-nitrosodibutylamine D9, also known as NDBA-D9, is a chemical compound that is commonly used in research as a stable isotope-labeled internal standard for the quantification of N-nitrosodibutylamine (NDBA) in various samples. NDBA-D9 is a deuterated analog of NDBA, which means that it contains nine deuterium atoms instead of hydrogen atoms. This makes it useful in mass spectrometry-based analysis as it allows for accurate identification and quantification of NDBA in complex matrices. NDBA is a known carcinogen and is found in various consumer products, such as rubber, plastics, and tobacco smoke. It is also a byproduct of certain industrial processes, such as rubber manufacturing and pesticide production. Exposure to NDBA has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, particularly liver cancer. The use of NDBA-D9 as an internal standard enables researchers to accurately measure the levels of NDBA in various samples, including food, water, and biological fluids. This information can be used to assess the potential health risks associated with exposure to NDBA and to develop strategies to reduce exposure. In conclusion, N-nitrosodibutylamine D9 is a valuable tool in research for the quantification of NDBA and for understanding the potential health risks associated with exposure to this carcinogen.

This page contains information about N-nitrosodibutylamine D9. You can buy N-nitrosodibutylamine D9 from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality N-nitrosodibutylamine D9. This compound is also referred as Amine, Nitroso nitrosamine impurities or nitrosamine impurities of Amine, Nitroso