1-Ethyl-2-[(methylamino)methyl]pyrrolidine-d3 Hydrochloride

Product Name 1-Ethyl-2-[(methylamino)methyl]pyrrolidine-d3 Hydrochloride
CAT No. CS-T-76852
CAS No. 1794827-45-4
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. Not Available
Mol. For. Not Available
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
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Smileys CCN1CCCC1CNC([2H])([2H])[2H].Cl
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of 1-Ethyl-2-[(methylamino)methyl]pyrrolidine-d3 Hydrochloride ?

1-Ethyl-2-[(methylamino)methyl]pyrrolidine-d3 Hydrochloride is a deuterated form of the chemical compound 1-Ethyl-2-[(methylamino)methyl]pyrrolidine Hydrochloride. It is a stable, crystalline salt that is commonly used as a reference standard in various analytical techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, mass spectrometry (MS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The compound is an N-substituted pyrrolidine derivative with a molecular formula of C9H19D3ClN2. It is a chiral compound and exists in two enantiomeric forms, which can be separated by HPLC. The compound is a white or off-white powder that is soluble in water and ethanol. 1-Ethyl-2-[(methylamino)methyl]pyrrolidine-d3 Hydrochloride is commonly used as a labeled internal standard in drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic studies. It is also used as a reference standard in forensic analysis and in the synthesis of other compounds. The compound has a melting point of 191-193°C and a boiling point of 323.2°C at 760 mmHg. It is stable under normal conditions of use and storage. The compound is not known to have any significant toxicity or environmental hazards.

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