2-Pyrrolidinecarbonitrile hydrochloride

Product Name 2-Pyrrolidinecarbonitrile hydrochloride
Alternate Names - API Standards, API Standards of -
CAT No. CS-BX-02987
CAS No. 1199773-80-2
Category API Standards
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. 132.59 g/mol
Mol. For. C5H9ClN2
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
MSDS View Sample MSDS
Parent API -
Controlled No
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Related Compounds

Ticagrelor Hydrochloride | Prochlorperazine diHCl | Tobramycin sulphate | Remimazolam | Potasan | Sartanbiphenrl | Hexamidine diisethionate | Magnolialide | morphine for system suitability crs(containing impurities B,C,E and F) | Umeclidinium | Chlorobis(ethylene)rhodium(I) Dimer | Pyraclofos | ALDOSTERONE SOLUTION AMPOLA 100 μG/ML | Brorphine | Dotriacontanol | Picamilon Sodium | Beta Glucan | Flurbiprofen Sodium Dihydrate | Hericenone F | PEMETREXED DITROMETHAMINE DIHYDRATE | Hericenone A | Azure A Isomer | Quinapyramine Chloride Hydrochloride | Quazepam | Cuminaldehyde | Phenol, tetrapropylene | Pidotimod | Fenticonazole | Deucravacitinib (non-labeled) | Methionine Calcium | Chloral Betaine | Myxopyronin A | Convallatoxol | Ethyl 4-​(2-​Hydroxy-​2-​propyl)​-​2-​propyl-​1H-​imidazole-​5-​carboxylate | Eicosenoic acid | Bacterioruberin | Myricanol | Thalicarpine | Hericenone E | Butylone | Salantel | Reldesemtiv | Sphaerobiosid | Nalorphine Hydrochloride | Vitamin D | Lasmiditan | Dehydroepiandrosterone 1.0 mg/ml in Acetonitrile | Polyoxin D Zinc Salt | Nandrolone acetate | Lactobionic Acid | Tucatinib hemiethanolate | ARV-471 | Rabenzazole | Tramadol Sulfate | Diphenidol | Butonitazene | Meldonium dihydrate | Oxythiamine Hydrochloride | Guanadrel | Tamsulosin Racemate CRS (Y0000653) | Methyl 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzoate | Potassium Sucrose Octasulfate | Diluted Nitroglycerin | Hericenone C | Thalirugidine |

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