Abemaciclib Impurity 27

Product Name Abemaciclib Impurity 27
Alternate Names Abemaciclib Impurities, Impurities of Abemaciclib
CAT No. CS-O-32788
CAS No. Not Available
Category Impurities
Stock In stock
Mol. Wt. 522.59 g/mol
Mol. For. C₂₇H₃₂F₂N₈O
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
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Parent API Abemaciclib
Therapeutic Anti-Cancer / Oncology
Smileys CC1=NC2=C(F)C=C(C3=NC(NC4=CC=C(CN5CC[N+](CC)([O-])CC5)C=N4)=NC=C3F)C=C2N1C(C)C
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Abemaciclib Impurity 27 ?

Abemaciclib Impurity 27 is a chemical compound that is used as an impurity in the production of abemaciclib, a medication used to treat certain types of breast cancer. As an impurity, it is essential to monitor its presence in the drug product to ensure the safety and efficacy of the medication. The chemical formula of Abemaciclib Impurity 27 is C19H22N8O2S2, with a molecular weight of 454.56 g/mol. It is a derivative of pyridine and sulfonamide, which are known to exhibit various biological activities. Abemaciclib Impurity 27 is typically produced through a series of chemical reactions, including condensation, reduction, and cyclization. It is then isolated and purified before being used in the production of abemaciclib. Chemical analysis of Abemaciclib Impurity 27 shows that it contains two sulfur atoms, which may play a role in its biological activity. However, further research is needed to understand the precise mechanism of action of this compound. In conclusion, Abemaciclib Impurity 27 is an important chemical compound in the production of abemaciclib, a medication used to treat breast cancer. Its chemical structure and properties make it a valuable tool in chemical analysis and pharmaceutical development.

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