
Product Name Atropine-d5
CAT No. CS-T-95209
CAS No. Not Available
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. Not Available
Mol. For. Not Available
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
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What is the usage and chemical information of Atropine-d5 ?

Atropine-d5 is a deuterated form of the medication atropine, which is commonly used as an anticholinergic drug in the treatment of various medical conditions. Atropine-d5 is chemically identical to atropine, but it contains five deuterium atoms, which are isotopes of hydrogen that have a higher mass. Atropine-d5 is typically administered through injection or infusion in a clinical setting. It works by blocking the effects of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is responsible for activating certain nerves in the body. By blocking these nerves, atropine-d5 can relieve symptoms such as bradycardia (slow heart rate), excessive salivation, and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to its clinical uses, atropine-d5 is also used in research settings to study the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of atropine. The deuterium atoms in atropine-d5 can be traced using mass spectrometry, which allows researchers to track the drug's distribution and metabolism in the body. Overall, atropine-d5 is a valuable tool for both clinicians and researchers in the study and treatment of various medical conditions. Its chemical composition and unique properties make it a versatile and useful drug in many different applications.

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