Noradrenaline bitartrate

Product Name Noradrenaline bitartrate
Alternate Names Adrenaline Impurities, Impurities of Adrenaline
CAT No. CS-O-30989
CAS No. 69815-49-2
Category Impurities
Stock In stock
Mol. Wt. 319.26 g/mol
Mol. For. C₁₂H₁₇NO₉
Hazardous This is a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
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Parent API Adrenaline
Purity >98%
Smileys O[C@@H](CN)C1=CC(O)=C(C=C1)O.O[C@H]([C@H](C(O)=O)O)C(O)=O.O
Controlled No
Shipping Free for purchase above 1000$
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What is the usage and chemical information of Noradrenaline bitartrate ?

Noradrenaline bitartrate is a medication used primarily in critical care settings as a vasoconstrictor and inotrope to increase blood pressure and cardiac output in patients with severe hypotension or shock. It is administered intravenously and acts by stimulating alpha-1 and beta-1 adrenergic receptors, which results in constriction of blood vessels and increased heart rate and contractility. Chemically, noradrenaline bitartrate is a salt that is formed by combining noradrenaline, also known as norepinephrine, with tartaric acid. The molecular formula of noradrenaline bitartrate is C8H11NO3.C4H6O6, and its molecular weight is 337.32 g/mol. Noradrenaline bitartrate is a potent medication that requires careful dosing and monitoring due to its potential to cause serious side effects, such as arrhythmias, hypertension, and tissue necrosis if extravasated. It is typically only used in critical care settings under the supervision of trained healthcare professionals. In summary, noradrenaline bitartrate is a powerful medication used to increase blood pressure and cardiac output in critically ill patients. While it can be effective, it requires careful dosing and monitoring to avoid potentially serious side effects.

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