Plerixafor 13C6

Product Name Plerixafor 13C6
Alternate Names Plerixafor Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotopes of Plerixafor
CAT No. CS-EK-01123
CAS No. 110078-46-1 unlabeled
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. Not Available
Mol. For. Not Available
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
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Parent API Plerixafor
Inchl InChI=1S/C28H54N8/c1-9-29-15-17-31-13-3-21-35(23-19-33-11-1)25-27-5-7-28(8-6-27)26-36-22-4-14-32-18-16-30-10-2-12-34-20-24-36/h5-8,29-34H,1-4,9-26H2
IUPAC 1-[[4-(1,4,8,11-tetrazacyclotetradec-1-ylmethyl)phenyl]methyl]-1,4,8,11-tetrazacyclotetradecane
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Plerixafor 13C6 ?

[13C6]-Plerixafor is a stable isotope-labeled version of the drug Plerixafor, which is used in the treatment of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Plerixafor works by blocking the CXCR4 receptor, which is involved in the migration and proliferation of cancer cells. The stable isotope-labeled version of the drug is used in research studies to track the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of Plerixafor in vivo. Chemically, [13C6]-Plerixafor is identical to the non-labeled version of the drug, except that six carbon atoms in the molecule have been replaced with the stable isotope carbon-13. This labeling does not affect the pharmacological properties of the drug, but it does allow for the drug to be tracked and quantified in biological samples using mass spectrometry. In research studies, [13C6]-Plerixafor is typically administered to animal subjects via injection, and blood samples are taken at various time points to measure drug levels and metabolites. This information can be used to better understand the pharmacokinetics of Plerixafor, including factors such as absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, which can ultimately lead to more effective dosing and treatment strategies for patients. Overall, [13C6]-Plerixafor is a valuable tool for researchers studying the pharmacology and metabolism of Plerixafor, with the potential to improve treatment options for patients with certain types of cancer.

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