
Also known as: nicotine Nitrosamine Impurities or nitrosamine impurities of nicotine
Product Name (2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine
Alternate Names nicotine Impurities, Impurities of nicotine
CAT No. CS-T-37266
CAS No. 16543-55-8
Category Impurities
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. 177.20 g/mol
Mol. For. C9H11N3O
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
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Parent API nicotine
Canonical Smiles C1CC(N(C1)N=O)C2=CN=CC=C2
Inchl InChI=1S/C9H11N3O/c13-11-12-6-2-4-9(12)8-3-1-5-10-7-8/h1,3,5,7,9H,2,4,6H2/t9-/m0/s1
IUPAC 3-[(2S)-1-nitrosopyrrolidin-2-yl]pyridine
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of (2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine ?

(2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine, also known as NNK, is a potent tobacco-specific nitrosamine that has been identified as a carcinogen. NNK is formed from the nicotine present in tobacco during the process of curing and smoking. It is a water-soluble yellowish liquid that is highly reactive and can interact with various biomolecules, leading to DNA damage and other cellular abnormalities. NNK is a major contributor to the development of lung cancer, as well as other cancers such as pancreatic and bladder cancer. It is absorbed rapidly by the body and can be metabolized into several other harmful compounds, including nitrosamino acids and DNA adducts. NNK can also cause oxidative stress and inflammation, further contributing to its carcinogenic effects. Despite its harmful effects, NNK is still commonly found in tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, and chewing tobacco. It is important for individuals to be aware of the risks associated with NNK exposure and to take steps to reduce their exposure to tobacco products, such as quitting smoking or avoiding secondhand smoke. In summary, (2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine is a potent carcinogen found in tobacco products. Its chemical properties and interactions with biomolecules contribute to the development of various cancers, making it essential for individuals to take steps to reduce their exposure to tobacco products.

Related Compounds

N'-Nitrosonornicotine-5-carboxylic Acid | Nicotine Related Compound E | rac-N-Nitroso Nornicotine | rac-trans 3’-Acetylthiomethyl Nicotine | Nicotine Related Compound D | rac-trans 3'-Hydroxymethylnicotine Hemisuccinate N-Hydroxysuccinimide Ester | Isonicotine | R-(R)-Nicotine | rac N'-Nitrosonornicotine 5'-Acetate | rac-N-Nitrosonornicotine 1-N-Oxide | rac-trans 3’-Hydroxymethylnicotine | rac-trans 3'-Aminomethyl Nicotine | N-Boc (RS)-Nornicotine | trans-3′-(Hydroxymethyl)nicotine | rac-trans 3'-Thiomethyl Nicotine Dihydrochloride | N’-Nitroso nornicotine-1-N-Oxide | rac-trans 3'-Hydroxymethylnicotine Hemisuccinate | N-Ethyl (S)-Nornicotine |

This page contains information about (2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine. You can buy (2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality (2S)-N'-Nitrosonornicotine. This compound is also referred as nicotine nitrosamine impurities or nitrosamine impurities of nicotine