Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4

Also known as: Sitagliptin Nitrosamine Impurities or nitrosamine impurities of Sitagliptin
Product Name Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4
Alternate Names Sitagliptin Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotopes of Sitagliptin
CAT No. CS-O-46036
CAS No. 2892260-32-9 (Unlabelled)
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. 225.17 g/mol
Mol. For. C6H2D4F3N5O
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
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Parent API Sitagliptin
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 ?

Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 is a stable isotope-labeled version of Sitagliptin, a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. It is a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor that works by increasing the levels of incretin hormones in the body, which help regulate blood sugar levels. Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 has the same mechanism of action as Sitagliptin, but with the added benefit of being able to track the drug's metabolism and distribution within the body. The chemical formula of Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 is C16H12D4F6N5O2, and it has a molecular weight of 403.38 g/mol. It is a white or off-white crystalline powder with a melting point of 182-183°C. Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 is typically administered orally in tablet form, with a recommended dosage of 100 mg once daily. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine, with a half-life of approximately 12.4 hours. As with any medication, Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 may cause side effects such as nausea, headache, and joint pain. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional before taking this medication. Overall, Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 is a useful tool in studying the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Sitagliptin, and may lead to further advancements in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Related Compounds

N-Acetyl Sitagliptin-d3 | Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-5,5,6,6-d4 | Sitagliptin D4 phosphate | Rac-Sitagliptin-d4 xHCl | Sitagliptin D4 hydrochloride | Sitagliptin Impurity 20-d4 HCl | Sitagliptin-D5 | Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-15ND4 | rac-Sitagliptin-d4 | Sitagliptin D4 | N-Nitroso Sitagliptin Fumarate Adduct D4 | Sitagliptin D6 | Formyl sitagliptin d4 |

This page contains information about Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4. You can buy Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4 from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality Nitroso-STG-19 (Sitagliptin)-6,6,8,8-d4. This compound is also referred as Sitagliptin nitrosamine impurities or nitrosamine impurities of Sitagliptin