Moxonidine 13CD3

Product Name Moxonidine 13CD3
Alternate Names Moxonidine Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotopes of Moxonidine
CAT No. CS-O-01316
CAS No. 75438-57-2(Unlabeled)
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock In stock
Mol. Wt. 245.69 g/mol
Mol. For. C₈¹³CH₉D₃ClN₅O
Hazardous This is a Hazardous Compound
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Parent API Moxonidine
Purity >98%
Smileys ClC1=C(C(O[13C]([2H])([2H])[2H])=NC(C)=N1)NC2=NCCN2
Canonical Smiles CC1=NC(=C(C(=N1)Cl)NC2=NCCN2)OC
Inchl InChI=1S/C9H12ClN5O/c1-5-13-7(10)6(8(14-5)16-2)15-9-11-3-4-12-9/h3-4H2,1-2H3,(H2,11,12,15)
IUPAC 4-chloro-N-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-6-methoxy-2-methylpyrimidin-5-amine
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Moxonidine 13CD3 ?

Moxonidine 13CD3 is a deuterated analog of the antihypertensive agent, Moxonidine. It is used primarily to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, by reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. It acts by selectively stimulating the imidazoline receptors in the brainstem, leading to a decrease in sympathetic activity and a reduction in blood pressure. Moxonidine 13CD3 is a stable isotope-labeled compound that contains three deuterium atoms at the 13th position of the carbon chain of the molecule. The incorporation of deuterium atoms improves the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug, thereby enhancing its efficacy and safety. Chemically, Moxonidine 13CD3 has a molecular formula of C10H12D3ClN4, with a molecular weight of 224.72 g/mol. It has a melting point of 171-174°C and is soluble in water, ethanol, and methanol. The recommended dosage of Moxonidine 13CD3 varies depending on the severity of hypertension and the patient's medical history. It is usually taken once or twice daily, with or without food. However, it is important to follow the dosage instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist and not to exceed the prescribed amount. In conclusion, Moxonidine 13CD3 is an effective and safe antihypertensive agent that is widely used in clinical practice. Its deuterated form provides significant advantages over the non-deuterated form, making it a valuable addition to the treatment of high blood pressure.

Related Compounds

Moxonidine D3 | Moxonidine-d4 |

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