
Product Name Benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5
Alternate Names Ketone Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotopes of Ketone
CAT No. CS-C-00216
CAS No. 2694-78-2
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock IN-Stock
Mol. Wt. 187.25 g/mol
Mol. For. C13H5D5O
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
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Parent API Ketone
Smileys O=C(C1=CC=CC=C1)C(C([2H])=C2[2H])=C(C([2H])=C2[2H])[2H]
Canonical Smiles C1=CC=C(C=C1)C(=O)C2=CC=CC=C2
Inchl InChI=1S/C13H10O/c14-13(11-7-3-1-4-8-11)12-9-5-2-6-10-12/h1-10H/i1D,3D,4D,7D,8D
IUPAC (2,3,4,5,6-pentadeuteriophenyl)-phenylmethanone
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 ?

Benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 is a deuterated derivative of benzophenone, a widely used organic compound. It is commonly used as a UV-absorbing agent in sunscreens, cosmetics, and other personal care products. The compound is effective in absorbing UVB radiation, which is known to cause skin damage and contribute to the development of skin cancer. Benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 is also used as a photoinitiator in the polymer industry, where it helps to initiate the polymerization process in the presence of UV light. In terms of its chemical properties, benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 is a clear, colorless liquid with a molecular weight of 218.3 g/mol. It has a melting point of -1°C and a boiling point of 305-306°C. The deuterated version of benzophenone has five deuterium atoms, which replace five of the six hydrogen atoms in the molecule. This allows for more precise analysis of the compound using techniques such as mass spectrometry. While benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 is generally considered safe for use in personal care products, there have been concerns about its potential to penetrate the skin and accumulate in the body. Some studies have suggested that benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 and other similar compounds may have endocrine-disrupting effects, meaning they can interfere with the body's hormonal balance. As a result, some regulatory agencies have restricted or banned the use of benzophenone-2,3,4,5,6-d5 in certain products.

Related Compounds

Styrene D5(Stabilized with Hydroquinone) | Propiophenone-d5 | Styrene D8 | Aceto-d3-phenone |

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