N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5

Also known as: Amino,Nitroso Nitrosamine Impurities or nitrosamine impurities of Amino,Nitroso
Product Name N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5
Alternate Names Amino,Nitroso Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotopes of Amino,Nitroso
CAT No. CS-O-38110
CAS No. Not Available
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock IN-Stock
Mol. Wt. 121.19 g/mol
Mol. For. C₅H₇D₅N₂O
Hazardous This is a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
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Parent API Amino,Nitroso
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5 ?

N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5, also known as NEIPA D5, is a chemical compound that is commonly used in scientific research. It is a derivative of N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine, which is a known carcinogen and mutagen. NEIPA D5 is used as a stable isotopically labeled internal standard in analytical methods for the detection and quantification of N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine in various environmental and biological samples. NEIPA D5 is typically used in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, a powerful analytical technique that allows for the identification and quantification of chemical compounds. By using NEIPA D5 as an internal standard, researchers can accurately determine the concentration of N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine in a sample, even in the presence of other compounds. In terms of its chemical properties, NEIPA D5 has a molecular formula of C5H10D5N2O and a molecular weight of 140.23 g/mol. It is a clear, colorless liquid with a boiling point of 100-104°C at 760 mmHg. NEIPA D5 is stable under normal conditions of use and storage, but it should be handled with care as it is a potentially hazardous compound. In conclusion, NEIPA D5 is a useful compound in analytical chemistry for the accurate detection and quantification of N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine. Its stable isotopic labeling provides a reliable internal standard for GC-MS analysis and other analytical techniques. However, it should be handled with caution and in accordance with proper safety protocols.

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This page contains information about N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5. You can buy N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5 from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality N-nitrosoethylisopropylamine D5. This compound is also referred as Amino,Nitroso nitrosamine impurities or nitrosamine impurities of Amino,Nitroso