Angiotensin I, 5-L-isoleucine

Product Name Angiotensin I, 5-L-isoleucine
Alternate Names - Peptides, Peptides of -
CAT No. CS-O-48116
CAS No. 484-42-4
Category Peptides
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. 1296.48 g/mol
Mol. For. C62H89N17O14
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
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Parent API -
Controlled No
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Related Compounds

Phosal 50 PG | Fmoc-Beta-Ala-L-Val-OH | H-D-Val-Leu-Argp-nitroanilide monoacetate | Fmoc-L-azidoalanine | Insulin glargine precursor | Caplacizumab | BPc 157 | Somatomedin C | Beta-Ala-Glly-OH | Phytosulfokine β | Fmoc-Ser((Ac4Galβ-3)Me,Ac4Neu5Aca2-6AcGalNAca)-OH | Fmoc-Ser(Ac4Mana)-OH | Gamma amanitin | Rink Amide AM resin (100-200 mesh) | Fmoc-Ile-Ser(Psi(Me,Me)pro)-OH | Fmoc-Beta-Ala-Tyr(Clt)-OH | Ala(CN)3-Calcitonin | Fmoc-beta-Ala-Leu-OH | Fmoc-Ser(Ac4Mana1-2Ac3Mana1-2Ac3Mana)-OH | Human urogastrone | Fmoc-Ser(Ac4Mana1-2Ac3Mana)-OH | Trifluoroacetyl Tripeptide-2 | Fmoc-L-Thr(Ac4-D-Glcβ-OH) | Fmoc-D-Ser(Ac4-L-Mana)-OH | Parathyroid Hormone Fragment(1-34) | Fmoc-Aph(Hor)-OH | Fmoc-D-Serine methyl ester | Trt-Lys(Fmoc)-OH | Arginyl-prolyl-proline | Fmoc-D-Aph(tBuCbm)-OH | Tirzepatide | Fmoc-Beta-Ala-L-isoleu-OH | Fmoc-Thr(Ac4Mana)-OH | Palmitoyl oligopeptide |

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