MCPA Ethyl Ester-D3

Product Name MCPA Ethyl Ester-D3
Alternate Names . Stable Isotope Reagent, Stable Isotope Reagent of .
CAT No. CS-T-103725
CAS No. 2698-38-6(unlabelled)
Category Stable Isotope Reagent
Stock Enquire
Mol. Wt. 231.69 g/mol
Mol. For. C₁₁H₁₀D₃ClO₃
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
MSDS View Sample MSDS
Parent API .
Controlled No
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Related Compounds

D-Leucine-1-13C | Fmoc-L-Phenylalanine (3’,5’-13C2,2,3,3,2’,4’,6’-D6,15N) | DL-Lysine-N6-15N | DL-Lysine-13C6 | Musk Ambrette-d14 | Ethyl 1-phenyl-d5-3,4-dihydroisoquinoline-2(1H)-carboxylate | Methylfelbamate-d5 | C24:1 Ceramide-d7 | Sodium butyrate-2-13C | Muramic Acid-15N | L-Phenylalanine (3’,5’-13C2,2,3,3,2’,4’,6’-D6,15N) | PCB 111-13C12 | DL-Lysine-N2-15N | PCB-153-13C12 | L-Phenylalanine (13C9,D8,15N) | Lyso PC20:3-D9 | Fmoc-L-Phenylalanine (13C9,D8,15N) | NDBA-13C2,15N | Propionaldehyde-d3 | Lys-SMCC-DM1-D9 | Dimethylamine-13C2,15N hydrochloride | Neurosensor 521-d3 | Phenol 18O | PCB 138-13C12 | PCB 105-13C12 | PCB 52-13C12 | Fluoroethane-d5 (gas) | Methyl Acetate-13C | KU-0060648-D5 |

This page contains information about MCPA Ethyl Ester-D3. You can buy MCPA Ethyl Ester-D3 from Clearsynth at best competitive price with assured price guarantee. Clearsynth offers best quality MCPA Ethyl Ester-D3