
Product Name Propiophenone-d5
Alternate Names Ketone Stable Isotopes, Stable Isotopes of Ketone
CAT No. CS-T-85549
CAS No. 54419-23-7
Category Stable Isotopes
Stock IN-Stock
Mol. Wt. Not Available
Mol. For. Not Available
Hazardous This is not a Hazardous Compound
COA View Sample COA
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Parent API Ketone
Smileys CCC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1
Canonical Smiles CCC(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1
Inchl InChI=1S/C9H10O/c1-2-9(10)8-6-4-3-5-7-8/h3-7H,2H2,1H3/i3D,4D,5D,6D,7D
IUPAC 1-(2,3,4,5,6-pentadeuteriophenyl)propan-1-one
Controlled No
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What is the usage and chemical information of Propiophenone-d5 ?

Propiophenone-d5 is a deuterated analog of propiophenone, an organic compound commonly used as a solvent, flavoring agent, and intermediate in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and polymers. Propiophenone-d5 is a stable isotopic derivative of propiophenone, in which all five hydrogen atoms in the methyl group are replaced with deuterium atoms. The molecular formula of propiophenone-d5 is C9D5H7O, and its molecular weight is 140.23 g/mol. Propiophenone-d5 is primarily used as a chemical standard in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, particularly in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which is a powerful technique for determining the structure and purity of organic compounds. Propiophenone-d5 is often used as a reference compound in NMR experiments to calibrate the chemical shift scales and to measure the sensitivity and accuracy of the instrument. Propiophenone-d5 can also be used as an internal standard in quantitative analysis to improve the precision and accuracy of the results. The chemical properties of propiophenone-d5 are similar to those of propiophenone, but its deuterium isotopic substitution can affect its reactivity, stability, and physical properties. Deuterium substitution can alter the bond lengths, angles, and strengths, and can also affect the vibrational frequencies and thermodynamic properties of the molecule. For example, deuterium substitution can increase the boiling point, melting point, and density of the compound, and can also affect the solubility and polarity. Propiophenone-d5 is a useful tool for investigating the effects of isotopic substitution on the properties and behavior of organic compounds.

Related Compounds

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